Cosmic Alchemy Eclipse Season Jan 2018

Find out how the eclipse season energies support your transformation over coming 6 weeks

I am a massive advocate for all things cosmic, and the moon cycles. We are in a Uni year of 11/2, a year of service, how the energy has changed in the 3 weeks – are you feeling it?

Released an Activation meditation this week on intentions for new moon, which was published on Insight Timer – free app and my group Infinite Expansion

Doing this video now as we are in the pre shadow phase of lunar eclipse season which lasts 6 weeks. This gives extra support to clean up any area of your life, sorting it out and let go of.  Huge amount of planetary support and force, you will feel it, may as well work with it. forces things to the surface, so when you can recognise it, you can remove it.

Also great time to look at health and wellbeing – esp as we end the school hols, and into the height of summer, make more time for swimming, salads and being in nature.

Super Full Moon January 2018

So the full moon on 31st Jan we have a Blue moon, a super full moon, the final of three. That’s just before midnight Adelaide time.
This is when the moon is closest to the earth, so it looks massive. And a total lunar eclipse. – so earth will be directly between sun and moon. Slap bang in the middle of M & F energy, which is the 11/2 energy too. Most parts of the world will be able to see this.

the eclipse  happens from 9.21pm to 2.38am – over 5 hours, peaking at midnight. The total eclipse is 11.21pm to 12.37am – I will put a link below where you can look it up in your own time zone.

The last time we had this was 18.5 years ago, july 1999, and Jan 2000. What were you doing then, how did you visualise your life? For me, moving to the other side of the world was not even on my radar, and yet 18 months later I was living in NZ!

The eclipses always come in pairs, so the second one is a partial solar eclipse at new moon.

How to shift your life energies in Eclipse season Jan 2018

So , from feb 1- to Feb 16, it is time to observe your life and gathering info, to decide on new ways. Then we have the Chinese new year at the new moon on 16th, though we won’t see it in the western world. Still feel it though. Then we have post eclipse season, to implement all we have discovered. So by beginning of March, if you have used this energetic support wisely, you could feel like a totally new person by then. How does that feel for you?
I just love these eclipse seasons, and really work with the energies. After last Aug, so much shifted for me. If you would like extra energetic support for this eclipse season, go to the IT app, and search for my series of 3 Activation meditations for eclipse season there (under eclipse or my name). designed to be used at the beginning (31/1) middle 8th Feb and end 16/2 these are powerful energy releases – and were hugely popular when I released them. I’ll also be reposting access to all 3 in my group Infinite expansion, you are welcome to join

So there you have the heads up for eclipse season. Use the energy, it’s so powerful. I’ve also recently released a mini course on Creating Intentions from your Heart and soul, so if you would like extra support with wisdom, activations and workbooks, for only AU$25 you can find that on my website, in the group or on my biz page

Did you enjoy the video?

I’d love your feedback on this video, if you enjoyed it, and would like to see it again on my personal page as well as biz pages. Whilst astrology is not what I offer, it so supports the Soul energy readings and quantum energy clearing work that I do. Just be in touch if you’d like more info, or have any questions around this video or what I do!

So lovely to connect again. Stay cool if you are in the heat of Au, and warm in the N hemisphere


If you enjoyed this edition of Cosmic Alchemy on Eclipse Season Jan 2018, feel free to sign up so you don’t miss future episodes, plus a free Activation – Loving Who You Really Are. Sign up here